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  1. Fedora 24 issues

    So I've been running Fedora 24 on my laptop for a bit and its not as nice as I would have hoped.

    First of all, Fedora was no longer under the impression that my device had a touchpad, which it most certainly does. This problem was fixed by moving from the GNOME X-session to the Wayland session. With Wayland, Chrome isn't maximized when it starts even though it thinks it is, but thats just a minor issue. the main problem is that with Wayland, my system no longer recognizes any but the native resolution of my display panel. This is, in itself, not a problem. But any attached projector is also only recognized with its native resolution, leading to the inability to clone the display across both the panel and the projector since they no longer have any resolution in common.

    So now I can decide between using my touchpad or a projector.

  2. Using the C.H.I.P. flasher for Chrome on Fedora

    C.H.I.P. Flasher

    C.H.I.P. Flasher

    Flashing the CHIP from Fedora using the Chrome Flashing plugin is only a little bit different from using Ubuntu. We still have to add the user to the dialout group, to allow accessing the device from the user's context (without root).

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(logname)

    If you're doing arduino-programming, you might already be member of the dialout-group. This can be checked with the groups command. If dialout is mentioned, then you can skip this step and also the re-logging.

    Then we need to create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-allwinner.rules with the following content:

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1f3a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="efe8", TAG+="uaccess", SYMLINK+="usb-chip"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", TAG+="uaccess", SYMLINK+="usb-chip-fastboot"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1f3a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", TAG+="uaccess", SYMLINK+="usb-chip-fastboot"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="067b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2303", TAG+="uaccess", SYMLINK+="usb-serial-adapter"

    This links the CHIP to a location that the Flasher can identify. If you're doing other Allwinner-Flashing (I think the OrangePi does have a similar chip), you might run into problems here. But if you allready do, you probably know whether you're affected or not.

    Finally, one needs to reload the udev-rules with sudo udevadm control --reload-rules and logout and login again (or reboot), if the dialout group was added this session. And after that, the flasher should work fine.

  3. Upgrading Fedora 23 to 24

    Fedora 24 was released a few days ago.

    I've upgraded one of my machines. The others are soon to follow. One problem I discovered was that the default Gnome-X-Session does no longer support my touchpad, disabling tap-to-click for me. Switching to the Wayland session worked very well and I have yet to hit any glitch.

    If you're running Fedora 23 you can easily upgrade to Fedora 24 running the following console commands. But before that, make sure your system is fully upgraded and rebooted, especially if you installed some kernel updates.

    sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
    sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=24 --allowerasing

    The --allowerasing argument allows some packages to be deleted during the process. I had some dangling haskell packages, that needed to be deleted. No problem there.

    Once all the downloads are done, type sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot to reboot your system starting the actual upgrading process.

  4. Upgrading Fedora 22 to 23

    Fedora 23 was released a few days ago.

    I've upgraded one of my machines. The others are soon to follow. I have yet to hit a problem with Fedora 23.

    If you're running Fedora 22 you can easily upgrade to Fedora 23 running the following console commands. But before that, make sure your system is fully upgraded and rebooted, especially if you installed some kernel updates.

    sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
    sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=23 --best

    The --best argument makes sure if there are any transaction problems, the installation will not continue. I've had to remove some old gstreamer-plugins that are sure to come back with a new installation of fedy.

    Once all the downloads are done, type sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot to reboot your system starting the actual upgrading process.



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